QM Talks | ​Understanding the perpetuation of the Chinese literati tradition in the present day: Summer 2023

65 East 80th Street, Ground Floor, New York, 10075 24 June - 30 September 2023 
65 East 80th Street, Ground Floor, New York, 10075 $12 per event
QM talks 2023 poster shows time and location 


This summer we cordially invite you to join our “QM Talks ·

Understanding the perpetuation of the Chinese literati tradition in the present day

series. This series of dialogues spans from June to September, featuring distinguished artists and independent scholars Arnold Chang, Michael Cherney, and Wang Mansheng. The lectures will delve into the exploration of Chinese ink painting, landscape art, and aesthetic development.


The dialogue series is divided into three sessions: On June 24, Arnold Chang, founder of the Chinese Painting Department at Sotheby’s, will inaugurate our summer series, de-mystifying the tradition of Chinese ink painting. As we transition into July, on July 8, photographer Michael Cherney will unravel the tapestry of China's landscape art through his lens, share of a viewing of his new scroll, and provoke discussion on photography, calligraphy, and ink painting in Chinese art and culture. Finally, in September 22, artist Wang Mansheng will guide us through a deep study of Song dynasty fan leaf paintings. Accompanied by twenty of his new works in five sets, he will share his creative journey, fostering a shared exploration of the aesthetic value of Chinese traditional art, as well as the beauty and poetry within.



Event Schedule


  • ARNOLD CHANG: JUN 24, 2023  2:00 - 4:00 P.M.


Art historians, collectors, curators, and artists all agree that brushwork is an essential component of Chinese calligraphy and painting and a crucial criterion for assessing the relative quality as well judging the authenticity of a given work. Yet, in my five decades of experience working in the field of Chinese paintings, I have found that there is little agreement amongst the experts, or amongst the artists themselves, as to what constitutes “good brushwork,” or even how to describe what we are seeing when we look at the lines, dots, and smudges that are made by the interaction of brush and ink with paper or silk.


Using large scale high-resolution reproductions and on-screen digital images, I will attempt to lead a discussion of the development of brushwork techniques and a brushwork-oriented aesthetic in landscape painting, from Fan Kuan through Shitao, and beyond. Through a close examination of reproductions and digital details we can explore and try to understand how these paintings were actually created and begin to de-mystify the aesthetics of bimo.

  • MICHAEL CHERNEY: JULY 8, 2023 2:00 - 4:00 P.M.

Michael Cherney: An Unrolling Landscape | In Conversation with the ARTIST


The limited ability to travel over the past several years was particularly challenging to landscape photographers, forcing Michael to reexamine the long-term direction of his art. With Michael visiting from Beijing this summer, together we will view his handscrolls that bookend the beginning of and emergence from this period. Michael will also share how the inclusion of poetry and calligraphy together with his photography is inspiring his new work moving forward. Come spend some time in conversation with the artist after these long years away from New York.


  • WANG MANSHENG: SEPTEMBER 22, 2023 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.

Wang Mansheng: The Art and Symbolism of Tuanshan


During the pandemic, isolation became our norm, but it proved to be a time of fruitful creativity. Artist Wang Mansheng, inspired by Song Dynasty fan paintings, embarked on a unique exploration. These oval-shaped, handcrafted fans, reminiscent of Song porcelain, exude simplicity and elegance. Within the confines of home, untouched by external pressures, Wang found the ideal state for creation. His thoughts wandered freely, capturing landscapes and immersing himself in art. Now, at Fu Qiumeng Fine Art‘s Fall Exhibition, Wang presents twenty original works, inviting all to appreciate the serene beauty of Chinese paintings.

Purchase tickets

Arnold Chang: A Closer Look at Bimo 筆墨 (Brushwork)
QM Talks | ​Understanding the perpetuation of the Chinese literati tradition in the present day
Michael Cherney: An Unrolling Landscape | In Conversation with the Artist
QM Talks | ​Understanding the perpetuation of the Chinese literati tradition in the present day
Wang Mansheng: The Art and Symbolism of Tuanshan
QM Talks | ​Understanding the perpetuation of the Chinese literati tradition in the present day